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Establish a Schedule

Most students work 6-10 hours per week during the academic year but are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours per week amongst all student employment positions while classes are in session during the normal academic year (fall, winter, and spring quarters). Students may work over winter and spring break. If students work over breaks, they may not work more than 37.5 hours. The schedule should be mutually convenient to both student the needs of the employing department. 

  • FWS student employees who work during breaks, excluding summers, will have their wages tracked and will count toward the student's total academic year FWS allotment.
  • Students must not work during class or lab times for which they are enrolled. You may request a copy of the student's schedule to verify schedule work hours do not conflict with the student's quarterly class or lab times.  

Assign a Supervisor

If you haven't already done so as part of the job posting process or hiring process, assign a supervisor.

Additional information for supervisors is covered in the Supervision section.


As part of the first few weeks of employment, map out a one-on-one training schedule between the new employee and the supervisor or identify a component and qualified individual in the department to train the new employee. Review protocols, resources, requirements, etc. Additional information is available in the Resources and Policies of this website.